
The Eucharist: A Mystery of Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

In The Eucharist, popular writer and lecturer Joseph M. Champlin explores the eucharistic mystery from three different perspectives: as sacrifice, sacrament, and presence. In addition, he analyzes another mystery of faith: the Paschal, Passover, or Easter Mystery of Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and return. Champlin outlines several desirable inner qualities with which we greet the Risen...

unbloody fashion the death of the Lord, recalls the Resurrection, offers the Risen Lord in Holy Communion to all participants, alludes to the heavenly banquet which awaits us, and speaks of Christ’s coming again in glory. Moreover, in the consecrated particles reserved at the tabernacle, the glorious resurrected Christ truly dwells in our midst for prayerful adoration and as spiritual food for those who are sick, housebound, or in prison. Catechism of the Catholic Church By celebrating the Last Supper
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